A recent study by McKinsey highlights an upswing in businesses integrating artificial intelligence (AI) into their operations, with sales and marketing leading the way. According to the study, which was in the field in mid-April 2023, AI is most prevalently used in sales and marketing at 14%.

Here are the main use-cases of AI as reported in the McKinsey study with 1,684 company participants, ranked by their prevalence:

  • Sales and Marketing: 14% (Applications include personalized marketing, predictive sales analytics, and automated customer interactions.)
  • Product and Service Development: 13% (AI is being used to accelerate innovation and tailor products or services.)
  • Service Operations: 10% (AI is implemented in areas like customer care and back-office support.)
  • Human Resources: 3% (The use of AI in HR is less prevalent, indicating potential for future growth in this area.

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